Sylvie Naar

Sylvie Naar

Dr. Sylvie Naar is a Co-Investigator on the Faculty Development Core. Dr. Naar joined FSU in 2018 as Distinguished Endowed Professor and Founding Director of the Center for Translational Behavioral Science. Her NIH funding spans early phase trials to implementation science trials, with a focus on bio-behavioral research to address young adult health equity. Dr. Naar has had several R01s and two U awards addressing the needs of ethnic, sexual and gender minority youth to prevent or manage chronic diseases that disproportionately affect minority populations including HIV, diabetes, obesity, and asthma. Dr. Naar was recently awarded an NIH Director's Transformative Research Award to implement antiracism in primary care settings and a P01 to address HIV and alcohol use in emerging adulthood. Dr. Naar has been consistently funded by the NIH across several institutes including NHLBI, NIAAA, NICHD, NIDA, and NIDDK, and has developed expertise in recruitment and retention of hard-to-reach, marginalized populations. Dr. Naar is experienced in multi-site evaluation studies of complex, multi-level interventions for NIH and HRSA's Special Projects of National Significance, as well as leading three NIH center grants that synergize research projects and cores to advance translational bio-behavioral science. As an Equity Research Corner center director, she has hired 6 faculty and all are URM or from an NIH-defined economically, disadvantaged background. As Director of the FSU’s KL2 program within the UF-FSU's CTSA, Dr. Naar mentors diverse faculty and has developed FSU curricula for faculty development. Prior to coming to FSU, Dr. Naar was Director of the Division of Behavioral Sciences in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Wayne State University, a division with 7 female faculty. She has worked extensively with the NIH designing workshops for early phase behavioral translational science and leads the implementation science core for the NIH Adolescent Trials Network.